Thursday, 13 February 2014

Born again? 4 things you should understand

  1. You must learn to find the quiet place in your heart (Psalms
    . the place where you understand that God is sovereign,powerful beyond anything than we can think of.Find that quiet place in your heart and you can overcome anything.
  2. You must learn to talk with God as a friend would talk with a friend (John 15:15) .You must learn to talk to God as  a child would talk to it's father (Romans 8:15). Its only by moving past the mechanical that you can reach the spontaneous. so approach that throne with confidence.(Hebrews 4:16).
  3.  You  must understand that faith is a state of both the mind and spirit; with your mind you learn and make decisions (Joshua 24:15) and with your spirit you see it,  reach out and take hold of it . (Hebrews 11).
  4. You must understand that trial and temptation is a part of his life.Trial and temptation remind us that we are human and we must always be watchful (Mark 14:38).Overcoming temptation makes us understand that victory is always within grasp for every child of God .refer to #1 above.Trials are meant to sharpen our understanding and if taken in the right context improve our wisdom.(James 1:2-4)

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