Wednesday, 9 April 2014

7 reasons why am thankful and Why you should be thankful too

Before I understood the  benefits of Giving thanks, it  was  a thing I was doing for the sake of it. As my relationship with God become deeper and I realized that God has given us more than we could ever need as Christians.

Read on to find out how much my perception has changed and how your life can change too, if you give thanks.

1. Gratitude fills my life with a sense of well- being-   I used to be those kinds of people who saw the glass as half empty all the time and that attitude made me miserable.

 2. My heart is at peace- I know that if God has provided all what I have,  He will provide for whatever need  comes up ( God is awesome that way)

3.I don't complain anymore - Thankfulness cannot dwell in the same heart with complaining.  The more grateful I am, the less I complain. It’s not that I don't undergo stuff, it’s easier to trust God to see me through (no matter how bad it looks) and trusting God fills me with peace

4. Appreciation puts things into perspective-Sometime last year, I realized how many women are looking for a kid (of whatever sex) and here I was, blessed with not one kid but two, a son and daughter.I appreciate my kids more than ever and that has transformed my love and affection for them.

5. Thankfulness fills my heart with contentment- the day a friend came to borrow for her children something to eat for Christmas is the day I realized there were people who have it rougher than me. nowadays I am content whether I have much or less. 

6. Thankfulness fills my heart with joy and worship-God has given me stuff I can quantify and stuff I can't quantify. Things like forgiveness, son-ship, grace and mercy make me stand in awe of God( the creator of the ends of the earth stepped down from majesty into a womb to make me his own. Wow)

7. Thankfulness has made me considerate and kind- people who are grateful find it easier to give because they are conscious of how much they have been given and they want to pass it on.