The bible points out the force behind enmity and persecution; the devil.Ephesians 6:12
Most of the time, the people we think are our enemies are
not, they are pawns used by our real enemy (the devil) to make us trip.
Look discerningly at a person who seems out to get you and you will notice one thing, he is using what is inside you to rile you.( he is playing you against you)e will use our fears and insecurities if he is bullying us, our negative truths to mock us, our sexuality to control us and so on and so forth.
Jesus refers to these emotions when he rebukes the Pharisees and the Sadducees about the ritual of washing before eating; what a man eats, enters his body and comes out as waste, but what man stores in his heart makes him unclean, He says.(Matthew 15:17-20)
The devil knows the every place of negativity, pain, grief, anger in us. It’s these emotions within us that he manipulates in order to create enmity with our fellow men.. He will swoop in and try to manipulate perceptions about the other person, to this other one. His aim is to create a gap which he will proceed to fill with his own plot thus widen it.
Misinformation and miscommunication helps the devil along, and before we know it, we are in a place where our biggest preoccupation is the person we hate, or despise.
If we are not careful to repent, God will let us be totally deceived which will lead us to death.
How to pray-out hate and bitterness from our systems:
- All of us have people we dislike; even slight dislike counts.
- Mention these dislikes and write them down before God.
- What irritates you about them ?
- What do you feel when you think about them?
- Name these emotions. (If you can’t name an emotion, describe it.)
- What did they do to you to make you feel the way you do about them?
- Leave un-dealt -with emotions at the throne-room.( Surrender the emotion to God)
- Ask for forgiveness from God and ask Him to renew a right spirit within you

Kindly note: if you are really in a bad place ask God to hide you from the enemy as He (God) heals you.
You are work in progress, work with God
until you
are healed, He won’t give upon
you so don’t give up on Him.